
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Aji’s has been featured on South China Morning Post, Yahoo! News, BBC News, The Kathmandu Post, Setopati, and more.

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#2 - Dil Ratna Shakya on his life and career [Newari]

In our second episode of Aji's podcast we speak with Dil Ratna about his disciplined lifestyle and yoga routine, his experience as a young entrepreneur in the 1950s, and advice for the younger generation. He became a pioneer in the audio and sound industry in Nepal by starting the Voice of Radio company along with his brother.

We would also like to thank our patrons for making this podcast possible. Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

This episode with 82 year old Dil Ratna Shakya was recorded on 10 September 2019 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.