
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Aji’s has been featured on South China Morning Post, Yahoo! News, BBC News, The Kathmandu Post, Setopati, and more.

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#17 - Geeta Shrestha Vaidya, 65 years old, Woman in science [Nepali]


In our 17th episode we speak with 65 year old Dr. Geeta Shrestha Vaidya. A retired Chief Senior Scientific Officer at the reputed Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST), Geeta Vaidya’s passion has always been in the field of science. Despite the inconvenience of traveling in crowded public transport experiencing perpetual harassments and juggling field research with parenting, she continued her education to get a masters degree in plant pathology and later a PhD in botany.  Currently she is teaching in various colleges and has joined Aji’s community as a maker.

This episode with 65 years old Geeta Shrestha Vaidya was recorded on 3rd October 2020 at her home in  Jayabageshwori, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit. The interview was conducted maintaining physical distance. This episode includes public service messages from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

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