
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Aji’s has been featured on South China Morning Post, Yahoo! News, BBC News, The Kathmandu Post, Setopati, and more.

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#7 - Tika Maya Gurung, 86 years old- Strength, struggle and success [Nepali]


In our 7th episode we speak with 86 years old Tika Maya Gurung. Despite a difficult marriage, she independently supported her four children and husband and also built a house by starting series of enterprises from a small grocery shop in a godown to a tailoring shop, knitting center, travel agency, kerosine depot and farming. Today she is living a happy and graceful life with her 4 kids and 5 grandkids.

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This episode with 86 years old Tika Maya Gurung was recorded on 24 January 2020 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.