
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

Aji’s has been featured on South China Morning Post, Yahoo! News, BBC News, The Kathmandu Post, Setopati, and more.

Please support Aji’s by becoming a Patron

#7 - Tika Maya Gurung, 86 years old- Strength, struggle and success [Nepali]


In our 7th episode we speak with 86 years old Tika Maya Gurung. Despite a difficult marriage, she independently supported her four children and husband and also built a house by starting series of enterprises from a small grocery shop in a godown to a tailoring shop, knitting center, travel agency, kerosine depot and farming. Today she is living a happy and graceful life with her 4 kids and 5 grandkids.

You can also listen to Aji’s podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

This episode with 86 years old Tika Maya Gurung was recorded on 24 January 2020 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#6 - Dil Hera Tuladhar: married at 8, first income at 83 [Newa]


In our 6th episode we speak with 84 years old Dil Hera Tuladhar about her inspiring life experiences. She got married when she was just 8 years old, lost her first child as a young mother, learnt to knit and sew in Kalimpong where she waited for several years for her husband to return from Lhasa, and at age 83 she was featured on BBC for making her first income selling dhaka baby blankets on Aji’s. Today she lives a happy and fulfilling life as a mother to 3 children, grandma to 6 grandchildren and great grandma to 3 great grandchildren!

You can also listen to Aji’s podcast on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

This episode with 84 years old Dil Hera Tuladhar was recorded on 9 January 2020 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#5 - Shobha Lamichhane Bhattarai, hospitality entrepreneur and Airbnb Superhost at age 62 [Nepali]

Shobha Lamichanne Bhattarai

At 60 years old, when most people think about retirement, Shoba started her entrepreneurial journey— a new business venture named Shobhalaya. She shares about her life’s struggles, loss of her husband to cancer, and how she overcame depression. Today at 62 she’s living a happy and fulfilling life as a mother, successful entrepreneur, and an Airbnb Superhost!

Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

You can also listen to Aji’s podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

This episode with 62 years old Shoba Lamichhane Bhattarai was recorded on 18 December 2019 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#4 - Shiro Moktan: single mother, educator, independent woman [English, Nepali]

Shiro at her home in Kathmandu.

Shiro at her home in Kathmandu.

In this fourth episode of Aji's podcast we speak with Shiro about her journey as a rebellious girl growing up, single mother of five daughters, dedicated educator and now an independent elderly women defying many stereotypes. She is also an Aji’s maker. You can buy her macrame plant hangers on our products page and read her interesting perspectives on our blog.

Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

You can also listen to Aji’s podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

This episode with 68 years old Shiro Moktan was recorded on 3 November 2019 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#3 - Pragya Devi Shakya's childhood joys and struggles [Newari]

Pragya Devi Shakya

In our third episode of Aji's podcast we speak with Pragya Devi about her challenges to attain education, her love for sewing, and her memories of childhood friendships. Despite the social barriers and restrictions to education as a girl child, Pragya Devi went through great lengths to get an education.

Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

You can also listen to Aji’s podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and Spotify.

This episode with 71 years old Pragya Devi Shakya was recorded on 5 September 2019 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#2 - Dil Ratna Shakya on his life and career [Newari]

In our second episode of Aji's podcast we speak with Dil Ratna about his disciplined lifestyle and yoga routine, his experience as a young entrepreneur in the 1950s, and advice for the younger generation. He became a pioneer in the audio and sound industry in Nepal by starting the Voice of Radio company along with his brother.

We would also like to thank our patrons for making this podcast possible. Please support us on Patreon to help us bring you more episodes.

This episode with 82 year old Dil Ratna Shakya was recorded on 10 September 2019 at a recording studio in Ganabahal, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

#1 - Jagat Ratna Tuladhar's Lhasa Journeys [Nepali]

87 year old Jagat Ratna Tuladhar holding a photo of his 19-year-old self taken at a local photo studio in Kalimpong in 1952.

87 year old Jagat Ratna Tuladhar holding a photo of his 19-year-old self taken at a local photo studio in Kalimpong in 1952.

In our very first podcast, Jagat Ratna Tuladhar speaks about his secrets to good health. Even at 87, Jagat Ratna is healthy, fit and energetic for which he credits his regular morning walks and meditation sessions.

This episode features Jagat Ratna’s remarkable journeys to Lhasa as a young man. Back in 1950s when there were no proper roads and transportation, Jagat had travelled the treacherous roads to Lhasa and back. He encountered life changing experiences including death of a relative and subsequent sky burial.

This episode with 87 year old Jagat Ratna Tuladhar was recorded on 7 August 2019 in Maitidevi, Kathmandu by Aji’s Co-founder Lorina Sthapit.

Please support our podcast on Patreon!