
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

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#32 Renuka Upadhyay, 72 years old- Dress design teacher & crafter [Nepali]

72 year old Renuka Upadhyay is an avid knitter and crafter. She learned the craft first from her mother and then advanced her skills by reading many books on the subject. Later she used these skills to earn a living and raised three daughters as a single mother. She also taught courses in dress design in various colleges in Kathmandu and Pokhara for four decades. She continues to create unique products, everyday. "If I don't work and make new things, I get sick," she says. You can see and buy her creations on Instagram, Facebook and Etsy through her page Nens Workshop.

This episode with Renuka Upadhyay was recorded on 16 August 2021 via zoom by Aji’s Podcast host Lorina Sthapit.

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