
Aji's is a social enterprise that empowers elders to live healthy and happy lives by providing a platform to showcase their skills and knowledge.

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#33 Bhimi Gurung, 71 years old entrepreneur [Nepali]

71 years old Bhimi Gurung was born in Dhanda Khadga village in the Parbat region where she had a fun childhood. Her mother gave birth to her at age 50 which made her popular in her village since birth. Later she married an army officer and moved to Singapore. She lived in the army camp in Singapore for 25 years and had four children there. Today she lives in Kathmandu and runs a well-known pickle company with her daughter called ĀMĀKO achar. Her achars are prepared in the traditional style of Gurungs from the Parbat region.

This episode with Bhimi Gurung was recorded on 2 September 2021 via zoom by Aji’s Podcast host Lorina Sthapit.

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